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Monday, August 23, 2010

The Other Brain

Shit, now I get this article. Now, when I'm too freakin old for it to matter.


Live Science: 10 Things Every Man Should Know about a Woman's Brain
She goes through adolescence twice

No one wants to go through adolescence again. Its physical changes and hormonal fluctuations not only create mood swings and physical discomfort but nagging questions about self-identity as well.

Women, however, lucky girls, get to do just that. They go through a "second adolescence" called perimenopause in their 40s. It starts around age 43 and reaches its pinnacle by 47 or 48 years old. (Men's hormones also change as they age, but not nearly as abruptly.) In addition to erratic periods and night sweats, a woman's hormones during this transition are so crazed she can be as moody as a teenager.

The duration of perimenopause varies from two to nine years, with most women leaving it behind by age 52.


Glynn Kalara said...

Been there. My wife is just at the end of her PM phase.

Jim Sande said...

Not at the end here....