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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Blame Game

CEO's are blaming the American consumer. They are not hiring because they don't see a need well into the future. You ingrates are not buying, you are paying down debt, and starting to live more within your meager means. How anti-social and un-American is that. Not only that but this trend is expected to continue well into the future.

Summing it up, CEO's are not hiring because there is no expected boom in American consumer spending. This is how the adjustment to 9.5%+ unemployment in a weaker economy is being made. Corporations are running lighter and profiting, and they are holding onto the money in a huge mattress.

WaPo: With consumers slow to spend, businesses are slow to hire
Companies are sitting on billions of dollars of cash.

Across the industrial parks and office towers of the Chicago region, in a more than a dozen interviews, senior executives said they see Americans for years ahead paying down debts incurred during the now-ended credit boom and adjusting spending to match their often-reduced incomes.

1 comment:

Glynn Kalara said...

Yea, it's all of our fault , why of course. That's how the whole Corp. ethic works, as anyone who has ever worked for a major Corp. ) I have , more then a few) shit in these orgs. rolls downhill. The top people NEVER ever ever ever make any mistakes.