On the sarcastic side, is it just me or does part of this entire senate battle seem like nothing more than posturing between two factions with significantly large egos.
USA Today: Health care's 'public option' would cover little of population
...cover less than 1.5% of the population, new estimates show.USA Today: Side-by-side: House and Senate health bills
Jacob Hacker, a Yale University political scientist who first proposed the public option, said the plan would still drive down health care costs despite the changes. For one thing, he said, it would offer consumers another choice in rural parts of the country where only one or two insurers offer policies.
New voluntary long-term care insurance program would provide a basic benefit designed to help seniors and people with disabilities avoid going into nursing homes.
Neither of the two bills is really much in the way of reform if you look at cost containment as a goal. The only way to really contain cost is go to a single payer system , everyone knows that but the Ins. Industry is so completely in the saddle that we can forget about REAL reform. What pisses me off is how these bills will just open a spigot of public tax dollars all of which will end up in the hands of the same thieves that are already ripping us all off. The Congress is never going to reform this system it's going to end up having to collapse from it's own greed before that ever happens.
As we head into retirement age, the system is breaking down, or so it seems. Its very scary knowing that you could lose everything with medical bills from a major problem.
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