Formal debate on the health care reform bill will proceed.
In its present form the bill is like the proverbial dollar bill falling from the sky. You earn a dollar working hard. But 30% comes off the top for federal, state, and local taxes, and social security. The bill has taken a direct buckshot hit on its descent and 30% has been cleanly blown off.
But we are hardly finished.
Now you pay your mortgage with that 70 cents and that mortgage would include school taxes. So another let's say 5% to 10% is blown off on the descent.
And on and on it goes as you purchase the commodities that you need to live, more taxes are taken from that once proud dollar. As it hits the ground its one tattered shred of its former self. It now looks like a charred thread remnant.
And so it shall go with this health care reform bill. Whatever giveaways that already go to big health insurance companies and big pharma companies will only increase. Whatever aspects of the bill that resemble a new entitlement will decrease until a happy even more pointless accomplishment will be the final end result.
Legislation accomplished.
McClatchy: Senate votes to begin debate on health care overhaul
"Let me be perfectly clear," Lincoln said in a Senate floor speech. "I am opposed to a new government-administered health care plan as part of comprehensive health insurance reform."
While she said she was willing to keep the debate going, "I will not vote in favor of the proposal that has been introduced by (Senate Majority) Leader (Harry) Reid as it is written."
What a bitch Lincoln is. Why doesn't she just join the GOPer party and get over it. She's no Dem. nor is Lieberman or Ben Nelson or Evan Bayh or Bauchus and many more of these elitist swine. The Gopers have seeded the Dems. with their own to try and take over both parties. The Dems. can't do this to the Gopers anymore because they have purged anyone that doesn't stick to the Beck/Limbaugh party line. This leaves the Corporatist faction firmly in charge of both parties.
The Dems have a majority but they need a larger majority. It amazes me that somebody like Inhofe continues to get re-elected.
There are fundamental flaws in the political system. Two senators per state, the electoral college - both seem outdated and neither reflects the majority's need.
The SENATE always serves the Regressive s. It's our own house of Lords. It was put there to thwart the popular will. The 2 Senators per state feature was put in as a compromise to keep the south along with the slaves are 2/3rds of a person provision. The original Constitution was patently anti-democratic, it no longer srves the will of the people. Anyone for another Revolution? I thought so.
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