Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The Uighurs

A few weeks back, I did a short article on why Bush stopped off in Albania in his recent trip through Europe. In the investigation, I learned about the Uighurs and their subjugation by the Chinese.

Albania, The Uighurs, Terrorism, and Torture

As I was completely unaware of even the existence of this particular cultural group of people, I want to learn a bit more about them. After all, I believe we are all connected in obvious and in remote ways, so its important to know who is out there.

They say that only seven degrees of separation removes us from almost everyone. I don't know if this is true but it strikes me as plausible considering I know people that have done things like met presidents and other such dignitaries, and that's only two degrees of separation right there.

Being on a food quest as of late, the cuisine of the Uighurs strikes me as a good introduction.

Uighur cuisine

“Längmän” is the most favorite and popular dish of the Uighur cuisine. It includes long noodles prepared from thin strings of dough stretched from thick wisps served with a sauce. Every Uighur meal has its symbolism. This meal is referred to as a dish of love. Love should last as long as the noodles are.

Works for me.

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