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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Earth to White House

I can't recall a recent time when there was such a vast distance between what is coming out of the White House and what Americans are calling for and want.

Bush is vetoing potential improvements in health care coverage to millions of children, something that 90 something percent of the population want, yet he is gung ho for a war effort that the majority want to see end sooner than later.

Has there ever been a more inflexible and deaf president? Does the word arrogant fit on Bush?

I was reading an article on the President's most recent approval rating poll. The presidential spokespeople blamed the low numbers on the left wing web blogs.

Earth to White House, your policies are a disaster. Your policies hurt the vast majority of Americans. Your international policy of war making first is unconscionable. Your list of disastrous national policies is so long and so extensive, that most Americans are in shock.

We want you to go. You have created a massive black cloud over this country.


Glynn Kalara said...

NO NO Sande you see its really your fault personally and Pres. BV$H has just about had it with u and your ilk. Read Pres. edict on dissent against the Emperor & his little War on Terra/Iraq. dated July 17th. Its not long now Sande when our valiant Emperor will start to round up you nay-sayers and nabobs of negativity ( Agnew phrase but still good.)

Jim Sande said...

Well what you say seems to be true. All the elements are in place - new laws, new thugs, holding centers, complicit media, and skewered ideology. Its not a bright moment in American politics.

Glynn Kalara said...

No shit its not a bright moment. What will it take for the MSM to wake up to what this guy and his gang is up too? The recent terror warnings plus this Pres. edict coupled with BV$H's falling poll numbers are scary to say the least. If an attack does come I expect the shit to hit the fan fast. BV$H and his fascist backers in the Corp. media and Military are just waiting to start the shutdown of Amerika. They hate dissent and want to crush it. If they try at this pt. it might just trigger a Civil War! I believe many people have had it with this man and his mis-rule. Anything is possible if he tries to shut down whats left of the Constitution. That July 17th rant sure looks like the growling of a bully preparing to strike.