Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Conservatives and Chaos

Are these wild times or what?

Iraq is crumbling. The President is as entrenched in Iraq "policy" as an 80 year old victim of constipation, no movement whatsoever.

Bush Says No Iraq Shift; Criticism Rises

The Bush administration ruled out any quick shift in military strategy in Iraq on Tuesday, despite growing bipartisan calls in the Senate for a troop withdrawal and sharp criticism of the Iraqi government.

We are into the in between times. The old policy is a bona fide failure, nobody is in a position to effect greater leverage. The American people are in a heat wave daze, everbodys' brain is bubbling, baseball sucks, and progress is offensive to conservatives.

We are heading in three directions at once. Conservatives are retreating into the old ways. Where are the bonnets? Even conservatives are bickering. The new Pope seems like a blast from the past, about 842 AD.

Pope: Other Christians Not True Churches

...other Christian communities are either defective or not true churches and Catholicism provides the only true path to salvation.

On Saturday, Benedict revived the old Latin Mass - a move cheered by Catholic traditionalists but criticized by more liberal ones as a step backward from Vatican II.

This is kinda funny. I like seeing conservatives get rough with one another. On the other hand I truly like Latin, agricola, sum es est. My religion is the only religion, the only true religion, truer, and truest. You're religion might be the truer but mine is more symbolically resonant. I like inferior religions. Its hard being in an inferior religion. Its about setting the spiritual bar low. You won't go to heaven but maybe you'll be able to resist cheesecake.

You don't know what to expect. I mean this is bad news for Bush. That phrase "bad news for Bush..." Freudian?

Who knows what will happen, maybe South Carolina will invade Vatican City. Fundamentalists, what a pain in the ass.


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