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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Maddow - Prostitutes, Hidden Hotel Cameras Familiar Putin Tools


Glynn Kalara said...

I think most observers have a pretty good idea what Putin and others ( MI-6 , the CIA , NSA) might have in their possession about Trumpf that is extremely compromising and damaging to him. It cwertainly would explain part of the reason why he's so deferential to Putin. His attitude about the CIA etc. though is another thing. I think there he's counting on purging these Orgs. once he's in office and getting them under his thumb ASAP and even turning their cannons around to use against his enemies. This is going to be another NIXON on steriods if you ask me. Paranoid, vengeful and mean, a Bully in ever respect of that word. How murderous one is the BIGLY ?

Jim Sande said...

Clearly Putin is lying, Maddow easily shows this. They knew Trump had the presidency in mind for decades so that alone in connection with his global wealth and such caught someone's attention, very much so. Given the Russian history of surveillance and Putin's connection to it, it's purely wishful thinking to imagine that he has given this all up in favor of freedom. Trump supporters on the other hand are obviously willing to suspend their beliefs along with facts. If Trump did some monkey business in Russia at all, this would, in my mind, make him seem pretty stupid, I mean it would be almost like driving blind. To not know that he would be under surveillance and vulnerable as a result is stupidity for someone who is to become president. But hey, sex does that to people, makes one act in ridiculous ways. Look we know just by reading all the articles about many of Trump's issues, from pussy-gate, to all these women coming forward with talk of his assaultive behavior, to connections with mobsters, to drumming up violence, to racist behavior, to bankrupting enterprises and stiffing little players, and on and on. No doubt this is just the tip of the iceberg. You don't get o be in Trump's strata by being a humble peaceful freedom loving saint. No, he's dirty as hell, and we know it. If he purges the CIA and FBI in order to cover his own ass, he's going to be pissing off people, lots of them, and stuff will get leaked. But he's also made of Teflon apparently. One thing though, if his approval ratings consistently dive, people smell the Titanic and want to jump off. I'm personally still betting on a terrorist attack or similar misery event, that will catapult him into the old rally behind the president and if you're not doing that, well then you are a terrorist sympathizer. Get your flag ready, we're all going to be waving them soon enough.