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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

North Carolina’s 12th District - The Most Gerrymandered District In The Country

Guardian UK: Drawing the line on the most gerrymandered district in America - The supreme court will review the long-running battle over line-drawing, but many fear that voters’ voices may be washed out in the presidential race first


Glynn Kalara said...

This is precisely how the GOP is holding onto power in this country. They are using every trick in the bag to get around the law and even create laws that tip the balance in their favor. This is how KOCH Bros. and other wealthy donors use their $$ to effect in our system.

Jim Sande said...

Would you just look at the shape of that freaking abomination! It looks like a ratty turd. As long as they hold the power, they hold the reins on this gerrymandering. The odds are stacked against the GOP though, they can't win with just the white vote in a national election, that ship has sailed. The GOP has to grow up.