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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Glacier Melting In West Antarctica

Science Daily: Accelerated glacier melting in West Antarctica documented - Study findings will help improve predictions about global sea level rise
summary - Two new studies have found the fastest ongoing rates of glacier retreat ever observed in West Antarctica and offer an unprecedented look at ice melting on the floating undersides of glaciers. The results highlight how the interaction between ocean conditions and the bedrock beneath a glacier can influence the frozen mass, helping scientists better predict future Antarctica ice loss and global sea level rise.


Glynn Kalara said...

The BIG meltdown has commenced. In a few centuries, the World is going to be vastly different place

Jim Sande said...

Yes, I believe this will happen, major changes. Sea level rise, hotter temps, extreme weather, major migrations with animals, bacteria, insects, birds, fish, changes in the greenery, trees, crops food, and especially available water, and then the most unknown is how all these changes will interact and change the habitat even more in ways we can't exactly imagine.