Monday, October 03, 2016

Damaged Goods

  How about that Christie and the Ghoul man going on TV and telling everyone Trump is a 'genius' for not paying taxes. I know it's hard for America to add one plus one but a few are going to see Trump's zero tax payment and his endless years long deriding of poor people who pay probably more taxes than he does, as a bit of a conflict to put it mildly.

MSNBC: Why Donald Trump’s new tax revelations are so damaging
Trump has spent years complaining incessantly about the burden of paying taxes, while also complaining that others aren’t paying enough.


Glynn Kalara said...

Those of us old enough to remember the 80's will recall one Leona Helmsley ( the Hotel heir) and her infamous quote " Only Little people pay taxes>" comment. It's one of those quotes that frames what that era was all about. This was when we all started living in Reagan's world ( where we still are for the most part.) Donald is a charter member of the Leona Helmsley fan club. Not only hasn't he paid any taxes for the last 18 yrs. but the rest of us have rewarded him for his massive failures during this period. In reality, we now live in a country were the failures of small people are dealt crushing blows by the system while those like Donald who present society with massive failures are rewarded. It's an upside down reality that has left millions disoriented to the pt. that they now worship massive failures like Donald and project their hatred and scorn on pot smokers and jwalkers instead.

Jim Sande said...

Very well said, I like this. There is this quality to America now. If you are a big corporate entity, and you bilk billions out of the system, then you're making an itty bitty mistake. You can get off with a wink and a nod. But if you're the little guy with no assets, watch out, you could end up as hamburger in prison and for the rest of your life and blamed for the downfall of civilization.