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Saturday, October 22, 2016

Au Revoir

The New Yorker: The Vanishing Republican Party By Jeffrey Frank


Glynn Kalara said...

This is not true. The GOP is stronger than ever. if the party is so weak why does it hold most of the State houses and most of the State assemblies? Why does it hold Congress? It does because the GOP's big donors know they can't easily win the WH anymore unless they can restrict who votes and they are very busy doing just that. The Dems. only seem to think it's important to hold the WH for some reason?

Jim Sande said...

They have to work doubly hard because the country's demographics are working against them. Look at how the electoral map is changing. Virginia and North Carolina are now blue, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico - blue. Iowa may turn blue, even possibly Arizona, Georgia, and South Carolina with Texas softening as well. I think when they lose in November and the Senate turns blue, the GOP will do a soul search. What comes out of that will be interesting and what they put forward in 2020 may or may not reflect the soul search. Trump was actually the worst candidate of any from the point of view of doing the things the GOP needs to thrive. He alienates all the demographics that the GOP needs to remain valid. He's got the blue collar male white vote, but so what - that's 19% of the electorate.

Glynn Kalara said...

I don't disagree that they are fading by the nos. , but they are also gaming the system full-time and winning. Plus, these guys don't think twice about roughing up the refs either. They have BIG $$ and a plan. The Dems. will win the WH and the Senate maybe even pack the court this time around, but the GOP having the house and the purse strings let them wag the dog doesn't it. Paul Ryan will have the power to stop Hillary dead in her tracks. My guess, is given the Clinton track record in the past she'll bend over backwards making deals that screw the rest of us and throw a few little crumbs from the table to try and appease popular opinion. Other than that it will be BAU ( Business as Usual,)all checks to the Clinton foundation's Swiss bank accts. She's corrupt, no doubt about it, but she will at least honour her clients. Donald 's word is as worthless as a degree from DRumpf U.

Jim Sande said...

I'm sorry to admit it, but I think you've got a very accurate summation. I keep trying to think of a model for how this all plays out and I come up short. For you and me, it's all about the crumbs. The crumbs do help, I mean gay marriage is good, maintaining abortion rights, admittedly only in the blue states, keeping SSI for a while longer helps me and my age bracket, my taxes are not affected, the corporate model is maintained just as you say. Strikes me that Clinton will likely go as Obama with the reliance on the drone war. People 'like' it, right?, out of sight, out mind as it were. It's education that moves countries forward but slowly, very slowly. This is a real concern because as we know, education is also under assault.