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Monday, February 29, 2016

Krugman On The Upcoming Presidential Election

AlterNet: Krugman: This Presidential Election Is an Up or Down Vote on the Survival of Humanity - The Republican Party has somehow managed to get even more destructive in eight years.
"Just eight years ago the G.O.P. nominated John McCain, whose platform included a call for a “cap and trade” system — that is, a system that restricts emissions, but allows pollution permits to be bought and sold — to limit greenhouse gases. Since then, however, denial of climate science and opposition to anything that might avert catastrophe have become essential pillars of Republican identity."


Glynn Kalara said...

What makes Paul think Hillary is any better then the rest of them on Climate and energy? She's a big supporter of the Nat. Gas sector for one thing and as most of us are awear Nat. Gas AKA methane is a primary GHG and in the short term a far worse one then CO2 and when it degrades after 12 yrs. it becomes CO2 and persists for hundreds of yrs. in the atmosphere. She like Obama talk a good game , but in the end prompt the drill baby drill crowd and take their graft. I see no hope from anyone in the political sector right now except Sanders who is willing to both talk the talk and walk the walk. Krugman has shown himself to be what he is just another establishment shill who thinks the rest of us are stupid.

Jim Sande said...

At least with Hillary it remains in the conversation. Trump, Cruz, and Rubio will mot even bother to show at world meetings on it etc. Off go the White House solar panels again although I doubt there's any there now. Metaphorically speaking that is. There won't be a sudden stop in CO2 emissions nor will oil or gas be left in the ground all of a sudden. We knew about this stuff decades ago. I thought back in 1989 when I bought a new Nissan pickup, that my next vehicle would obviously be an efficient hybrid truck.