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Monday, February 29, 2016

Global Warming - US Coastal Flooding

Climate Central: Natural & Human-caused Coastal Flood Days in the U.S.

Climate Central: The Human Fingerprints on Coastal Floods


Glynn Kalara said...

A good friend of mine and one of the experts on the topic Dr. Norbert Psuty of Rutgers U. Coastal Institute puts it this way, we are at the start of the most rapid rise of the Ocean in over 6K yrs. It's going to become as enormous challenge for humanity seeing that we've built tens of thousands of major Coastal cities and towns in the last 5K yrs. of civilization. He foresees major migrations and whole countries and States like Bangla Desh and coastal southern Fla. going under the waves later in this century. As I've mentioned here more then a few times as a Coastal resident all my life it's very obvious to me that sea rise has accelerated over the course of the last 20 yrs. It floods where I live more often now and at higher and higher levels. It's not going to stop rising according to Dr. P and many others for hundreds maybe thousands of yrs.!! We will have to adapt.

Jim Sande said...

There's hardly anything going on to stop it or reverse it or decrease CO2 emissions. It's been pointed out that even McCain back in 2008 included a cap and trade policy during his run. None of the present GOPers Trump, Rubio, or Cruz think it's real. We are going backwards with global warming.