Saturday, October 24, 2015

Summing It Up

  I must admit that after the Benghazi Committee hearing on Thursday I was very angry. I'm not especially a strong defender of Hillary Clinton, what I found to be extremely offensive was the tactless posture taken by the GOP members of the panel in the questioning of Clinton. They were nothing short of being assaultive, they were bullies, they were thugs. They failed, and they failed miserably primarily due to Clinton's unflappable demeanor over an 11 hour period, but I believe they need to be held accountable for such atrocious and obviously partisan political low balling. Generally speaking the committee was a disgrace in that they continued to lower the bar on the entire political process. You might think that this is a long standing battle, the GOP versus Hillary Clinton. To think that would not be correct, recall how Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Obama are demonized to the point of lunacy by the GOP. Make no mistake this hearing was conducted to ruin Hillary Clinton's presidential aspiration.

1 comment:

Glynn Kalara said...

I got the feeling they wanted to water board her , but were frustrated that they couldn't It was the DC version of a witch trial. What it did was strength her hold on the nomination race on the (D) side. Hillary's having a great week. She's managed to put Bernie on the defense at this pt., sadly.