Friday, October 30, 2015

Global Warming - A Very Long List Of Questions Deniers Need To Answer And Explain

Slate: If Global Warming Is a Hoax …
… then why are we losing 450 billion tons of land ice every year?

… then why have we lost 5 trillions tons of land ice just since 2002?


Glynn Kalara said...

It's because of Abortion, Gays and Godlessness. The answer is more guns and more of their God.Oh and of course lower taxes for the rich.

Jim Sande said...

How dense does a person have to be to not get this. Seriously, how dense? This is the fallout from having a conservative echo chamber. They get very selected information from a small group that at its core believes liberals are inventing global warming in order to - fill in the blank, anything from world domination to making everyone gay.