Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Global Warming - Greenland

  If you take a look at a Google search for "global warming" this morning you will find many articles on the web excoriating this NYT article linked directly below. It all comes from the usual suspects chief among them at the moment ultra-rightwing site - 'The Daily Caller'. The Daily Caller has figured out how to make its ranking in a Google search for global warming right at the top or near the top usually supplanting accurate information from news outfits and researchers globally, yes globally. A denying outfit like The Daily Caller now supplants real information in a Google search. I personally find that infuriating. Look at this article, follow the link, you will see actual evidence, actual images of Greenland melting. And yet we still have to be assaulted by the denying cult of the conservative party. That's America.

NYT: Greenland Is Melting Away


Glynn Kalara said...

The NYTimes article was grand! Yea, why Google allows the deniers top billing for Climate change is a wonder?

Jim Sande said...

I think it used to be that the sites with the most hits get the highest ranking in a websearch. It's hard to understand how the Daily Caller all of a sudden is getting significant hits on global warming, I never even heard of the site until the last few years.