Thursday, October 29, 2015

The GOP Debate - Making It Up On The Fly

  Shame on Chris Christie for the big SSI lie, and basically shame on all of these idiots for twisting facts and scaring people. As we know, it's difficult watching the GOP's constituency, many of whom are people who are fundamentally hurt over and over, repeatedly, by GOP economic and social policies.

AlterNet: 8 Lies, Distortions and Misrepresentations From the Third GOP Debate - The debates took place in an alternate reality, where facts are made up on the spot.
7. Lie: Social Security is going bankrupt.

Chris Christie repeatedly tried to paint a picture of a depleted Social Security fund, with claims that the government “stole” everything out of the funds and the program won't be there for seniors. The reality is that Social Security is funded for decades, and a minor change to the tax cap would keep it funded through most of the 21st century.

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