Friday, October 30, 2015

Speaking Of Benghazi

  With the exception of the usual conservative media outlets with their grind 'em out Hillary as liar and or conspirator articles, Benghazi is fading, and fading fast in the general public memory. Noted conservative Charles Krauthammer reflects on the GOP's inadequacies in conducting a hearing or as I refer to it, a brutal interrogation.

  Krauthhamer is of course beyond partisan and he assumes the objects of the hearings somehow out-manipulated the honest hard working GOP 'truther' committees. How he knows this one must simply wonder at the amazing prescient knowledge quality so often found in GOP circles.

Business Insider: KRAUTHAMMER: The Benghazi investigation has been a total PR disaster for the GOP
From Benghazi all the way back to Operation Fast and Furious, its hearings' impact on public perception has been either zero or negative.

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