Thursday, October 01, 2015

Russia Is In

Guardian UK: Russia launches fresh airstrikes on Syria targets - Civil defence spokesman in north-west Syria says Jisr al-Shughour was bombed as Kremlin says Isis is just one of a number of targets


Glynn Kalara said...

This is a worrisome development. You know have both the US and Russia bombing people , what happens if we get into a tangle with Russian planes? Or, what happens if Israel gets involved with Russian planes. The possible scenarios are scary.

Jim Sande said...

What you're suggesting seems more like the point of this entire mess rather than an unfortunate eventuality or circumstance. There's no good outcome here, when you have people driven by ideological purity notions, how do you fix that. Look at how it is in the USA, how do you fix the craziness the the xtian right is going through now. You don't, you just hope that future generations will grow up.