AlterNet: The Incredible Benefits of Humankind's Most Basic Form of Exercise—Walking - Four reasons walking has become America's 'untrendiest trend.' Hint: It's not just health.
2. The accelerating costs of owning one, two or more cars, which many Americans, especially younger people, find a poor investment of their resources. Transportation is now the highest cost in family budgets (19 percent) next to housing (32 percent). In auto-dependent communities--where walking is inconvenient and unsafe-- transportation costs (25 percent) approach housing costs (32 percent).
I try and get out and either jog or walk daily. The weather though goes downhill about now, so I probably will be in the gym for much of the next four mos. as well. I greatly refer being outside in the fresh air though. Gyms are disease breeding grounds in the winter.
We got a Y nearby and I really like the dry sauna in the winter. It helps keep the winter blues away for me.
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