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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Ayn Noel Ly

AlterNet: Happy Selfish Christmas! 21 Ayn Rand Holiday Cards


Glynn Kalara said...

Ayn was indeed a selfish witch. In the end though she signed up for SSN and Medicare didn't she. She was always a hypocrite to the last. The true model for her followers today. Most of which are Congresscritters collecting huge Gov't entitlements, salaries, pensions and other Gov't goodies. Good for them, but for the rest of us not so good.

Jim Sande said...

You know I read Ayn Rand too, when I was 13. Fortunately I wasn't a complete idiot and I realized there was a lot more information to learn and understand. These GOPers that follow her books like their second bible have done nothing more than stunt their own intelligence.

Ed said...

These cards are great.

Incidentally, I looked it up, Rand Paul wasn't named after her like I thought. His name is Randall, known as Randy but his wife started calling him Rand.

A main tenet of Rand's Objectivism: Contempt for the weak (and Merry Christmas, evidently)

Jim Sande said...

Ed it doesn't matter how many letters in his name, it all spells 'Douche.'