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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Global Warming - It's In Your Hands Not The Government's

I've been saying this for years.

Al Jazeera: World's future climate will depend on people in 2015, not governments - Series of increasingly dire warnings about effects of global warming met with inaction by world leaders

1 comment:

Glynn Kalara said...

The power structure is largely owned by the Fossil Energy Barons these days, so where never going to see much action from that qtr. Change is going to have to come because the rest of us demand it, or because it has to or else. Its likely to be the later not the former. People do not want to give up their steaks and SUVS no matter how bad it gets. Circumstances ( prices) will force it eventually. In another generation only the rich will eat meat and drive gas powered cars around at high speed.