Sunday, December 14, 2014

TRNN - Budget Skewed Against The Necessities Of The People


Glynn Kalara said...

The Federal Gov't has been rapidly turning into little more then a branch of the Fortune 500. This is the price we pay as a society for allowing or should I say tolerating it developing in this manner. People have walked away from the system thinking it doesn't matter, but their very wrong. When they walk away or turn away there are others who take that political space for themselves and they use it.

Jim Sande said...

I thought one of the more interesting GOP cuts that Ralph gets into is cutting out money for the IRS. There's around $300 billion in uncollected taxes out there and as I write this now I know why they did it. Obviously their handlers are hte people owing the taxes. Unbelievable. On the people end of things the GOP rev up hatred for black people on welfare, "you're hard earned tax money is going to people running around in Cadilacs" but on the business end they could give a shit about anything except the ultra rich. They tie it all together with this phoney notion of trickle down.

Glynn Kalara said...

Lowering taxes is their solution their only solution and when it doesn't seem to work they simply double down on this claim by asking for even deeper cuts. If we eliminated all incomes taxes and returned to the 19th century level of taxes on the rich our system today would run on a huge Nat'l sales tax or VAX as is used in some countries like Ireland. This kind of tax is highly regressive, but is loved by the wealthy for obvious reasons. Its also very depressive on the economies of the countries its used in because it a consumption tax. In the 19th century we used a tariffs based tax system that taxed imports and exports. That's never going to happen since the so called free traders of both parties would never allow for it. The simple truth is taxes are just part of a much larger equation and sadly until the US population has gotten a whole lot poorer the rich are not likely to ever make much here any longer. On top of that most of their future sales are being focused where the world's population resides in Asia not in the West. So, I forecast the eventual decline of the West economically. The wealthy are becoming a globally mobile subset population that is no longer tied to any region or Nationality. Like their money they go where the biggest profits are and they have little respect for those nations that get in their way toward that goal.