Saturday, December 06, 2014

The Drought

Time: California’s Drought Is Now the Worst in 1,200 Years by Justin Worland


Glynn Kalara said...

The drought isn't just in Calif. The entire west is in a long term drought to some degree. Water resources are stretched everywhere out west. The Colorado and its lakes and reserves are dangerously low these days. Lake Meade that basically is Las Vegas' water supply is well below historic lows today. Many other western cities are essentially whistling past a graveyard water wise. Yet , the people that live their and run these places keep watering their lawns and building endless golf courses that need huge amounts of water in deserts to stay viable. They also want to use huge amounts to frack for shale based methane ( AKA Nat. Gas.) Its all insane. Sooner or later were going to have to choose between irrigating for our food or all these other uses. The water wars of the past will be nothing compared to the ones on the horizon as things warm up and up and up. In other parts of the country, like the east the opposite scenario is unfolding as it warms. It will rain more and more and more. Soon living in NJ, NY etc. will be like living in Washington State or Oregon's coast.

Jim Sande said...

I think a young person considering moving out West to find a career and begin a life is not the wisest move truthfully. Nice place to visit and I would like to live there, but I'm not.