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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Shifting The Media's Eye

The AlterNet article points out that Occupy has already achieved a big victory. Essentially the media is focusing more on jobs and a lot less on the deficit probably to the chagrin of the Tea Party. In addition there is data to back this up.

Even an article like this appears at CNN today and the wording is telling - Top 1% are getting even richer

AlterNet: he Stunning Victory That Occupy Wall Street Has Already Achieved
In just one month, the protesters have shifted the national dialogue from a relentless focus on the deficit to a discussion of the real issues facing Main Street: the lack of jobs -- and especially jobs with decent benefits -- spiraling inequality, cash-strapped American families' debt-loads, and the pernicious influence of money in politics that led us to this point.


Glynn Kalara said...

But, the media can just as easily switch right back to Lindsey Lohan and Dancing with the Stars. Plus, what does the media focus translate to? The same 1% own the media and they will use any story line if it sells soap.

Jim Sande said...

Right now the Tea Party's agenda seems like its off the front page. People are very moved by front page stories when they are repeated throughout the media. When the deficit debt ceiling raising fiasco was in full bloom a few months ago, everybody was talking about it. Previously nobody gave it a second thought. People do respond to what they are being hit over the head with. I listen to the radio a lot while I work and I am hearing lots of news references to different occupy movements including one here in Upstate NY and a new one starting up in Vermont.