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Friday, October 28, 2011

Changing The Fear

Its difficult to make change, sometimes change creates even more anxiety.

I like the way writers are attempting to put a human face on the Occupy movement.

AlterNet: Gandhi’s Wings: Occupy Wall Street and the Redistribution of Anxiety
What does anxiety look like? You can see this drama played out as the demonstrators meditate surrounded by police whose anxiety is palpable, perhaps because the police cannot figure out which side they should really be on. You see it and hear it and feel it from all of the media pundits who are trying to "figure out," discredit, or dismiss OWS. You see it in the angry denunciations emanating from Wall Street financiers who beat their breasts and cling to the image of their legitimacy because they work so hard that they deserve their top 0.1% style mega incomes.

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