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Thursday, October 27, 2011

On Contentment

The quote is from the Dalai Lama.

Have to admit there is something amusing about a picture of the Dalai Lama peeking into people's medicine cabinets.

Otherwise, he is absolutely correct. Contentment is a key component to living well. We have a lot of discontent with our political system and the economy but even in spite of that or maybe even because of that, we can still work on being content within our own lives. Even the word contentment is helpful, its just something to contemplate - contemplate self contentment.

"On more than one occasion, when I have visited very nice homes in rich communities, I have peeked inside the medicine chest in the bathroom and found some medications to provide energy for the day and others to induce sleep at night. Contentment might do both of these jobs better since it reduces anxiety during the day, paving the way for sleeping peacefully."

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