Saturday, October 03, 2009

Your Weekly Address


Glynn Kalara said...

Great on the words but the words don't fit what's being developed in Congress is the problem. When is he going to start twisting some arms to get what the PEOPLE elected him to get? FDR and LBJ he's not.

Jim Sande said...

You get the sense that he is afraid of a tough battle. He doesn't like making enemies or so it seems, I could be wrong. Politics is brutal. You undertake it knowing that you are going to temporarily bury people or else they will bury you. He needs somebody out there to make cheap shots and make some heads dizzy. This is how its done, this is Rove.

Time is wasting.

Glynn Kalara said...

Right. His man for the job though is Rahm E. and Rahm 100% a Corp. guy. In fact Rahm is Corp. America's insider, not Obama's. He's inside twisting arms for the Oligarchs, not for OBama. Rahm knows where his bread is buttered. Obama is being sent out to make pretty speeches while the wheeler dealers in his caravan are trading away his time at bat for $$ and power after he's gone.