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Monday, October 26, 2009


Excerpted below is a distressing article from the NY Times. The article reveals that the Obama administration is not living up to its intention to disclose American prisoner abuse under the Bush administration. In fact its just the opposite. The Obama administration is attempting to keep disclosures about American torture and rendition programs sealed and secret. They are using the same technique and reasoning as Bush - its all a matter of national security and therefor it needs to remain secret.

The war of words between Obama and the Cheneys over torture might be thick with vitriol but underneath that and in reality, its thin in differences.

This is very disappointing news.

NY Times: The Cover-Up Continues
In the United States, the Obama administration is in the process of appealing a sound federal appellate court ruling last April in a civil lawsuit by Mr. Mohamed and four others. All were victims of the government’s extraordinary rendition program, under which foreigners were kidnapped and flown to other countries for interrogation and torture.

In that case, the Obama administration has repeated a disreputable Bush-era argument that the executive branch is entitled to have lawsuits shut down whenever it makes a blanket claim of national security.


Glynn Kalara said...

Imperial power must be retained! We no longer live in a Dem. Republic we live in an Imperial Plutocracy and NOTHING must stand in the way of the STATES power now. The power to do with any of us what they will. Welcome back to Medieval times!!

Jim Sande said...

I wish I was a fly on the wall when Obama got marching orders on these things. Who gave the orders, and what were the parameters.