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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Leeks And Eggs

Leeks are the supreme allium.

- One leek sliced lengthwise and chopped.

- Saute the leek in a little olive oil and add in some course kosher salt.

- Toss in a scrambled egg or two and spatula it all around till cooked.

- Eat with a toasted piece of crusty whole wheat sourdough bread.

Oh - baby.
...this Allium contains a hearty dose of Antioxidants and more Vitamins and Nutrients than ALL other Allium Family veggies.

Leeks must have strategized their mega nutrient combo since they're exceptional at controlling blood sugar levels, slow sugar absoption, and boost metabolism - stabilizing blood sugar is paramount for slowing aging and erasing wrinkles, nevermind, fighting diseases.

Yes, other children of the Alliums also offer great benefits like Antioxidants, Reduce Cholesterol, and Prevent Cancer, but LEEKS offer that and more. Leeks steal the show. source


Glynn Kalara said...

Of course the eggs aren't exactly great for your Cholesterol if u have high Cholesterol. But, what the hell I'll try it anyway.

Jim Sande said...

Try it without the eggs as a side dish or maybe just use egg whites.