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Thursday, April 23, 2009

TPMtv - GOP, Is This A Banana Republic?

If Obama prosecutes the Bush torture regime, he, Obama, is acting like a hooligan in a banana republic. This is the new GOP talking point.

Now is the idea to leave the rest of us speechless and with mouths completely agape because we are stunned by such lunacy.

If you can't argue the point, be so outrageous that you render your opponent speechless.


Glynn Kalara said...

Exactly, I'm happy they've asked. That's exactly what BV$H and his cronies aimed for a Bananarepublican form of Gov't complete with torture chambers and spying on the opposition etc. Now that the LAW is being invoked these turds are screaming bloody murder. People went to jail to pay for their crimes and they don't seem to mind that do they? The more they whine the better I feel. It's time for those boyz to as they say Lawyer up!

Jim Sande said...

I hope Obama doesn't wimp out on this. He's got to be firm with these guys.

Bush is an authoritarian. He think s he's the hand of god and can dispense torture like a pharaoh.

The whole Bush episode is nauseating from start to finish. The thing of it is, this is only one of thousands of atrocities.