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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sneezing, Kissing, Shaking, And The Flu

Yahoo: Q&A: Swine Flu Myths and Mysteries
How is this flu transmitted?

The flu virus, including this one - a type A/H1N1 flu virus, is most commonly spread in liquid droplets made airborne by coughing or sneezing. This is a highly contagious respiratory illness. For this reason, sick or not, cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing, and wash your hands frequently, especially after using a tissue. Don't touch your nose or mouth, or rub your eyes. Throw away tissues after use.

Is it OK to kiss someone on the cheek or lips?

There is mixed advice on this, but most authorities say that kissing and even hugging should be avoided, if you want to avoid getting the flu.

Is it safe to shake hands?

Again, mixed advice. Frequent hand-washing will take care of uncertainties.

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