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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Nikkei Opens Higher On Friday

It is a noteworthy day.

The press and usual suspects are reacting to Obama's first hundred day speech and Q&A. The speculation is about how the next hundred will go, how the Republicans will save themselves from implosion, and how to keep the wars, recession, pandemics, bankruptcies, layoffs, violence, and a few other things rotating at the top of a pole like the juggler that used to pull that multi-dish balancing stunt years ago did on TV.

Speaking of Republicans, why all the pomp and ceremony on the liberal blogs about what some hate radio or TV guy says or does. Who cares. Right now they are out of power, so pay no attention. Will they get back into power? Of course they will.

Cripes, Chrysler goes bankrupt. No offense, but if there ever were cars that I would like to see pulled from America's highway spaghetti anxiety pit, its Chryslers. They are high on style and bulk and low on all things resembling our imaginary green car armada. I do like the stripped down Jeep.

And then, its a newly named influenza because we don't want the mouth breathing humanoids to go slaughtering swine. In a time of crisis, less than intelligent thinking takes over. The button has been pushed. Somewhere in America, some gun toting guy is sitting in his secluded cabin, ready to shoot anyone that comes close enough to give him the flu.

The Nikkei is up, and for the first time in a long time, is not reflecting the DOW which dropped a few ounces today.

Reuters: Nikkei edges up 0.3 pct, weak yen offsets deflation

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