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Friday, November 30, 2007

A Very Old Story

Relatively old news (in fact as old as humanity) but the story about Giuliani's security-expense-affair gate 'scandal' is interesting investigative reporting.

Giuliani billed obscure agencies for trips

Giuliani was having an affair with his future 3rd wife to be, back in the late 90s through the early 00's. At the time she lived in the Hamptons and Giuliani was legally married to wife 2. The sticky part revolves around the money billed for security. Giuliani needed police department security details on his visits to the Hamptons.

Money to pay this security ended up allegedly getting billed to little known offices in the city government like "the Loft Board, a tiny branch of city government that regulates certain apartments." It does not smell good and there is the suggestion that someone on the inside 'helped' to hide the security expenses involved with his trysts to the Hamptons

I am curious to know how the reporter Ben Smith got his info. Did someone tip him off? Who was 'deepthroat?'

The part about Giuliani's affair is unimportant. The fudging and bilking of the books part.....hmm - if true, Giuliani must remove himself from contention.

It will be interesting to see how the right wing will twist and spin this one. Blame it on Clinton anyone?


Glynn Kalara said...

Talk about having Calamari for dinner!!

Jim Sande said...

Fox News put that picture up there. I don't know how, but they did.