Chuck Schumer is all set to vote in favor of Mukasey!
A huge chorus of boos is wafting across the nation and New York.
This will be a vote that will haunt Schumer into the future. It is a disgrace. Mukasey can't figure out what torture is? Disgraceful. Schumer loses all credibility.
Schumer is all squack no gutz. I can't stand him.
I have never written to senators and such but I am writing a nasty letter for Schumer, Boxer, and Leahy. Admittedly Leahy is trying but if he can't get a no vote together on this, my god, this is about torture. I can't stand these politicians.
Torture!! Not a BJ. Oh, wait a min. thats a real issue isn't it? This country is so far gone its pathetic!
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