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Friday, November 16, 2007

Bad and Faulty

We keep hearing this mantra spoken over and over:

"We went into Iraq on bad and faulty intelligence."

Recently even Madeline Albright was chiming in with this same line as she spoke about the failing situation in Pakistan.

One would have to agree. However, the mantra does not apply to the intelligence gathering outfits but to the presidential administration and its lack of good and faultless intelligence.

Its really a crap shoot trying to predict if this present fault will be remembered by the American public as they vote for the next president in 2008. The war party is resilient and its loyalists are predictably seated.

So while the administration led by the remaining neocons, like Kristol, are readying and calling for war in Iran, apparently to remedy the disaster in Iraq, the most dangerous country in the world is crumbling.

U.S. Is Looking Past Musharraf in Case He Falls
Administration officials say they still hope that Mr. Negroponte can salvage the fractured arranged marriage between General Musharraf and former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. But in Pakistan, foreign diplomats and aides to both leaders said the chances of a deal between the leaders were evaporating 11 days after General Musharraf declared de facto martial law.

Several senior administration officials said that with each day that passed, more administration officials were coming around to the belief that General Musharraf’s days in power were numbered and that the United States should begin considering contingency plans, including reaching out to Pakistan’s generals.

Where are America's real diplomats and intelligent officials?

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