Saturday, September 03, 2016

GOP Senators

MSNBC: GOP senators prepare for Clinton victory - Republican senators this week already sound like they believe Hillary Clinton will be the likely victor in November. See how John McCain is preparing for the possibility of a Clinton landslide.


Glynn Kalara said...

Maybe they haven't been watching , but Donald still might pull this off. He's been rising steadily daily since Aug. and HRC is falling again like a rock. Why? Who knows, maybe it's because she's been hiding hoping he would implode? I don't know but an impression is forming that she thinks it's better to stay out of sight and not fight back leaving the stage to this guy? If so she's being advised poorly.

Jim Sande said...

He's a POS, and I think America knows that. They hate Hillary too, but she's not the POS Trump is. My money is still on Clinton, and the good pollsters know it.