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Saturday, September 24, 2016

Before Debate 1

The New York Times has Clinton with a 72% chance of winning.

Five Thirty Eight has Clinton with a 61% chance of winning.

Daily Kos has Clinton with a 64% chance of winning.

The Princeton Election Consortium has Clinton with an 82% chance of winning.

Sabato has Clinton as 'very likely' to win.


Glynn Kalara said...
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Glynn Kalara said...

I get no comfort from any of these calls. Donald has plenty of time to win this and win it he is going to do at the present rate of HRC's decline in the polls. We have to hope her ground game and her $$ edge make a difference in Oct.

Jim Sande said...

She held a similar lead all week and at a few points even gained a bit. Nate says the degree of uncertainty remains high. If Trump pulls out of the debates as a clear winner he could do it. On the other hand, if Clinton pulls out of the debates as a clear winner, she could regain a huge lead. Lets see what happens Monday night. Clinton knows the facts, Trump knows show business and America likes show business a lot too, as we know. I think she will give him his money's worth, it's possible she could control the entire field, it is possible.