Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Supremes, Huge Abortion Rights Case

Guardian UK: Supreme court abortion case could resonate across south and midwest - The most important abortion rights case in decades centers on a Texas law, but its effects could extend well beyond that state’s borders
The case before the supreme court revolves around one of the harshest abortion restrictions on the books – not in Alabama, but in Texas. Since its passage in 2013, the measure has shut down more than half of Texas’s 41 abortion clinics. If the law goes fully into effect, it will shut down nine or ten.


Glynn Kalara said...

I expect eventually Roe will be over turned and so will Griswold ( the right to privacy). The authoritarians want no right to privacy. Obamacare goes a very long way in that direction. By allowing a law that essentially hands our bodies over to private Corps. to do with as they see fit for profit was a huge mistake. Instead, healthcare should have been enshrined along with privacy as a right not a paid for privilege to be forced on us.

Jim Sande said...

Well we shall see, the Supremes are on it. I think this is one of those pivotal cases as it were.