Yea, we all kind of know that BV$H and the neo-cons wanted an excuse to gut the Republic and replace it with a Nat'l Security State and we all kind of know the Saudis were more then happy to help out. So? Nothing is going to be done about it. Obama as much said so. The Security State is in place now and anyone who seriously threatens it will be dealt with. America is an Imperial State now not a democratic Republic in the traditional sense, anymore. Honestly, I don't think the founders ever really wanted it to be a democratic state. That's why Scalia took his cue from some of them on Dec. 12 2000 and basically on his own ended the Republic by imposing his will on the election. He had no patience with the Democratic process and he said it openly. If it had any chance of handing the election to GORE he was hell-bent on stopping it and he did when he said there wasn't enough time for a State wide recount in Fla. Not enough time, whose time? Everything from that day on was inevitable to some degree. I remember writing in my log for that day. War with Iraq is now assured as is the gutting of the American economy. Fascism has arrived. So, ended the Republic of and for the people and arguably began the Empire of the 1% and their hired hands. That's how the 20th Century ended for America. A form of Fascism won after all. I'm sure the Fuehrer whatever deep part of hell he now inhabits with his loyal gang there was a celebration.
You write - "the neo-cons wanted an excuse to gut the Republic and replace it with a Nat'l Security State and we all kind of know the Saudis were more then happy to help out." This is the summation.
I never understood the whole Iraq war thing like most of us, I always thought if they wanted to start a war, what about the Saudis where all these guys came from and where the financial support came from. The neocons and the Saudis - watch for it again.
Yea, we all kind of know that BV$H and the neo-cons wanted an excuse to gut the Republic and replace it with a Nat'l Security State and we all kind of know the Saudis were more then happy to help out. So? Nothing is going to be done about it. Obama as much said so. The Security State is in place now and anyone who seriously threatens it will be dealt with. America is an Imperial State now not a democratic Republic in the traditional sense, anymore. Honestly, I don't think the founders ever really wanted it to be a democratic state. That's why Scalia took his cue from some of them on Dec. 12 2000 and basically on his own ended the Republic by imposing his will on the election. He had no patience with the Democratic process and he said it openly. If it had any chance of handing the election to GORE he was hell-bent on stopping it and he did when he said there wasn't enough time for a State wide recount in Fla. Not enough time, whose time? Everything from that day on was inevitable to some degree. I remember writing in my log for that day. War with Iraq is now assured as is the gutting of the American economy. Fascism has arrived. So, ended the Republic of and for the people and arguably began the Empire of the 1% and their hired hands. That's how the 20th Century ended for America. A form of Fascism won after all. I'm sure the Fuehrer whatever deep part of hell he now inhabits with his loyal gang there was a celebration.
You write - "the neo-cons wanted an excuse to gut the Republic and replace it with a Nat'l Security State and we all kind of know the Saudis were more then happy to help out." This is the summation.
I never understood the whole Iraq war thing like most of us, I always thought if they wanted to start a war, what about the Saudis where all these guys came from and where the financial support came from. The neocons and the Saudis - watch for it again.
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