Saturday, November 28, 2015

Signs Of Decay

AlterNet: 5 Depressing Signs America Just Isn't the Country It Used to Be - There exists a common theme amidst these signs of societal decay.
5. One in Four Americans Suffer Mental Illness, Mental Health Facilities Cut by 90%


Glynn Kalara said...

Mental illness is not recognized by the Reich wing. Remember, Patton slapping that shell-shocked soldier. That's the right's version of mental health care. These folks are social and political Darwinists. In their world the strong rule and the weak ( mentally ill) perish. The Romans under certain circumstances allowed by Roman law the father of the family to KILL any members of his immediate family if they had physical or mental defects. The logic was these people dragged society down and since there was no cure for many of these defects it was ok to put them down. Today's Reich wing only has mercy for human embryos & fetuses.

Jim Sande said...

As we know this is one of the most serious issues out there, it's very poorly understood and there's a lot of stigmatizing that goes on as a result. You know, snap out of it, snap out of your depression or anxiety, or even schizophrenia! It's seen as a failing of the individual. The poor have it the worst because they have no access to reasonable treatment and have to go with whatever scrap is left. This is in my opinion right at the root of inner city violence, these kids are growing up with ptsd and are clueless.