Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Fringe Establishment

WaPo: How Donald Trump courted the right-wing fringe to conquer the GOP
But in fact, Trump spent years methodically building and buying support for himself in a vast, right-wing counter-establishment — one that exists entirely outside the old party infrastructure and is quickly becoming just as powerful.

Trump’s fantastical perspective was being accepted as reality in the Fringe Establishment, and the consequences were real.


Glynn Kalara said...

Donald knows his following for the brown shirts they are.

Jim Sande said...

So it would seem. It's the perfect mix - a narcissistic demagogue and an illiterate, anti-knowledge gullible following happy to fight for the cause. I will be taking a very wide step around that bunch. On Trump's side, being the egomaniac power hungry nuisance that he is, where else could he possibly have gone to find an adulating crowd. It will be interesting to see if moderate blue state republicans are willing to hold their noses and pull the lever, I suspect they will.