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Friday, June 12, 2015


Policy.mic: Hillary Clinton Plans to Make College Affordability a Central Issue of Her Campaign


Ed said...

Already heard that from Obama.
C'mon Hillary, where's your stuff?
Bernie has a list as long as your arm.

Jim Sande said...

Well, it's in contrast to the GOP who seem to be opposed to education on the grounds that a literate electorate will always throw them out of office. You know, the whole GOP push to erase the middle class. I like Bernie too but let's face it, he cannot win.

Anonymous said...

A report from New York magazine indicates that Fox News chairman and CEO Roger Ailes is leaning towards Gov. Scott Walker for the Republican presidential nomination, while personally involving himself in the network's attacks on Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Glynn Kalara said...
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Jim Sande said...

No surprise about Roger Ailes. I mean they've been attacking Hillary Clinton for years.