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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

TRNN - Why The Tea Party And European Right Are Winning Elections


Glynn Kalara said...

Asking the pols now in power to do all of the things the good Prof. detailed is of course a non-starter since the very forces ( finance ) he's talking about own these folks. . As for the Tea Party using the Populist rage out here to their advantage is again the wealthy just hiring one half of the 99% to kill the other half. So all the rage is essentially buffered. Real grassroots rage like Occupy is actually CRUSHED by direct Police and security / Intell. actions, ordered by those in power.

Jim Sande said...

We've been calling it a plutocracy for a long time now. The professor points out that the plutocracy spectrum just got darker and more deeply entrenched. I think more than ever that elections have become picking the least offensive of two offensive candidates.