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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

TRNN - SCOTUS Ruling Limits EPA Regulatory Power


Glynn Kalara said...

Scalia is truly an evil MFer. Future generations are going to look back at all of this and just shake there heads. They are going wonder WTF was wrong with the rest of us that with all the information we had we allowed a few individuals and a few companies to basically destroy the planet's biosphere. Its the rest of us they will condemn. Because, by essentially doing nothing we've
been complicit in the crimes of these people.

Jim Sande said...

I believe conservative reasoning covers two basic objections to everything. Something is wrong or not going to happen or can't change because a. It always been this way or b. it will cause economic collapse. Global warming isn't occurring because: god made it like this therefor it can't go wrong or be bad, and it's a liberal plot to spread a global socialist agenda which is an economic collapse. These arguments never change, no matter what the problem is.