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Friday, February 28, 2014

Global Warming - The Basics

Here is the article to keep handy when confronted by your denier relative or friend. It won't change their mind of course because this is now a severe partisan issue - changing a denier mind has morphed into changing their political views, and how screwy is that given that climate change is not a political policy but a scientific reality. Still, these are the facts.

NYT: Global Warming Basics from the U.S. and British Science Academies

National Academy Of Sciences: A Discussion on Climate Change: Evidence and Causes


Glynn Kalara said...

Talk to most right wingnuts today and you'll find that in their world-view Science is way over rated. Magical thinking rules the day for these folks especially when they're rich.

Jim Sande said...

It's a selective view of science because these same people are happy to use computers, high end medical treatment, pharmaceuticals, etc etc all things that are the result of modern science. It's selective because it threatens their status quo, no other reason. They don't hear global warming because it threatens corporate policy. If global warming were magically unrelated to carbon fuels they would accept it.