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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Weak Tea

The worst political movement in recent US history continues its headstrong trajectory into non-relevancy and regressive policy, weakened and more extreme than ever.

NYT: Clout Diminished, Tea Party Turns to Narrower Issues


Glynn Kalara said...

The Tea party AKA the Koch Bros., Dick Armey, a few gun nuts and the KKK and Aryan Bros. and their wives. Angry and sullen now that Barry is still in office. Screw if they can't take a joke. They were never a real mass movement, they were more of a bowel movement of the extreme right.

Jim Sande said...

The main issue the Tea Party has worked on is stopping both abortion and women's access to birth control. They are on the extreme conservative fringe and as the American people become more aware of their true intent and regressive policy focus, they will lose more power. People brought them into power thinking they were getting something helpful and they only got fooled again. People get fooled by loudmouth rhetoric all the time, it's an American tradition.