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Thursday, December 27, 2012

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Glynn Kalara said...

Who surprised? Catholic priests are either pedophiles or gay and women aren't much more to them then breed cows.

Jim Sande said...

I was curious and just checked - according to PEW roughly 24% of Americans are Catholic. The Catholics I know fall into two categories - extremely conservative almost literal bible-ists - real by the book strict ten commandment types, then there are the socially minded help the poor and suffering, spread the wealth more liberal types like the recent "Nuns On the Bus" who went around chastising Paul Ryan's miserable social spending cut budget. I am very fond of the latter, they tend to be reasonable, willing to talk and debate, don't judge, and more open and approachable. The former, I have no use for, might as well talk to a wall. My suspicion is that you don't know many of the latter types and you've met more of the ultra-conservative types. The guy on the clip is essentially a very small minded person but one gets the sense that the massive negative attention has positively affected him in that at least he is going into isolation to think it over a little.