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Friday, October 19, 2012

TRNN - Black Financial And Fraud Report

Bill Black: Romney's Secret Plan; the 1% Now Have More Wealth than the bottom 90% 

More at The Real News


Glynn Kalara said...

I have a women acquaintance that's family owns 30 movie theaters in 4 states and she is a multimillionaire with a nice income. She told me she's voting for Willard because she's pissed off that under Obama her investments haven't made enough and that her CD's give her so little return. I asked her though what her Corp. was paying for loans to run it's theaters and build and buy new ones and she told me very low rates. I also asked her if her Corp. was making profits and she said hand over fist. So then I said, so what's the bitch here lady? I told her that just about everyone else in America was eating dust so why was she so pissed when her class was winning big tiem these days? She answered she wanted more, much more and RMONEY was going to deliver that to her and her group. Your GREEDY is what I told her and she looked shocked and aghast and threw the job creator mime at me. I dodged it and answered how many employees had she hired the last four yrs. and that shut her up fast. In fact, I knew her company that she inherited ( with her brother, a real asshole) had in fact laid off over a thousand employees net.( published in the Press) It's these folks that piss me off. Fucking hypocrites .

Jim Sande said...

Okay, thank you for telling her some truth to power. First and most importantly, she's FOS regarding her investments not paying off with Obama in office. That is total bullshit. Anyone and I include myself in this mix who has any kind of equities has seen the DOW rise 6,000 points since Obama's been in office, 6,000 f-ing points asshole - tell her I called that. That is taking the DOW to near record highs in a period of utter desolation in the public/ working class/middle class. Even R-fing-money made out like a freaking bandit these last 4 years, and R-money knows it more than anybody considering he's probably a billionaire. She's FOS and greedy is correct.